
[Notice] Office Closing Date in May


The office will be closed every Thursday in May. For inquiries during the closing, please contact us at the following e-mail address.

Office closure dates: May 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30, 2024

Inquiries: intlkrcks.uok◎

*Please replace ◎ with @.

We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

Vol.22 : The Annual Report


We published the Annual Report, Research Center for Korean Studies Vol.22 on March 25.

The Annual Report Vol.22 is available here:

The Annual Report Vol.22

Vol.21 : The Annual Report


We published the Annual Report, Research Center for Korean Studies Vol.21 on March 29.

The Annual Report Vol.21 is available here:

The Annual Report Vol.21

Vol.20:The Annual Report


We published the Annual Report, Research Center for Korean Studies Vol.20 on March 31.

The Annual Report Vol.20 is available here:

The Annual Report Vol.20





〒819-0395 福岡県福岡市西区元岡744
Tel : 092-802-2027
Fax : 092-802-2029





*日  時:2018年1月 30日(火)14時00分~16時15分

*場  所:韓国研究センター1階会議室

*言  語:韓国語



*発表題目:「재일에스닉 잡지에 나타난 재일디아스포라의 자기서사」


*概  要:本発表では、在日エスニック雑誌における在日ディアスポラの自己叙事を検討することによって、歴史、文学研究で見られる在日社会の集団化と定型化という限界を克服し、自己叙事の多声的な特徴が報告された。



*発表題目:「재일디아스포라의 통합적 문화지형을 연구하기 위한 시론」


*概  要:東国大学日本学研究所にて行われている重点研究所支援事業<在日ディアスポラの生態学的文化地形とグローカリティー>についての概要が報告された。東国大学日本学研究所が推進する当事業は、在日ディアスポラ関連の資料を総体的に調査・発掘・収集し、生態学的観点から分析して体系化することを目的としている。今回の報告ではこの研究主題と計画が説明された。 






*日  時:2018年1月 23日(火)13時30分~14時45分

*場  所:韓国研究センター1階会議室

*言  語:韓国語

*講  師:ジュヨン・リ(九州大学韓国研究センター客員教授・ヘブライ大学東アジア学部助教授)


*概  要:本報告は、植民地朝鮮における探偵小説の形成過程をローカルおよびトランスナショナルな脈絡から探った。特に、本報告では蔡萬植、金東仁、金来成といった作家を取り上げ、彼らが受けた植民地資本主義の物質的および精神的影響が、作品における探偵、ファムファタール、犯罪類型、都市環境および登場人物の社会的もしくは地理的流動性へ投影されたことに着目し、1930年代および1940年代に発刊された探偵小説を対象として朝鮮人作家が経験した「近代」が探偵小説という大衆小説へ反映されていることを明らかにした。






*日  時:2017年12月 20日(水)14時00分~17時00分

*場  所:韓国研究センター1階会議室


*報告者① 橋本妹里(九州大学韓国研究センター学術研究員)





*報告題目:  「20世紀前半の東アジアにおける技術移動」

*概要:①技術史や②植民地時代史に関する研究は欧米においても発展してきた。しかしながら、このような発展は限られた分野にとどまっており、研究の中心はいずれも、欧米の国々に関係する課題であった。①と②の両方を兼ね備えた研究であっても、 どのような技術によって欧米の帝国主義が可能となったかについて論じている。その一方、20世紀の日本帝国と技術移動史の研究によって、日本帝国は世界水準の土木技術を持ち合わせながらも国外にその生産を依頼するなど、典型的な西欧パターンとは異なる様相を呈していることが明らかになった。


Visiting Professor Program, 2018-2019


The Research Center for Korean Studies of Kyushu University is pleased to announce one Visiting Professor will be recruited for the academic year of 2018-2019. Foreign specialists in the field of Korean studies who are interested in spending no more than 6 months at the Research Center for Korean Studies during the academic year of 2018-2019 (April to March), are invited to submit applications for this program.

(Desired fields)
1. All fields of the humanities & social sciences in Korean-speaking regions; or
2.Common challenges facing Japan and Korea

The Visiting Professor has the following obligations to the Center:
1. As the Center is a research institution, there are no teaching duties, but the visiting scholar is expected to be available for talks and consultation with the members of faculty and graduate students.
2. The Center will expect the Visiting Professor to give at least two formal presentations at international symposiums hosted by the Research Center for Korean Studies or other academic meetings at Kyushu University.
3. The Center will further expect the Visiting Professor to contribute an article during their stay in Fukuoka to the Center’s international refereed journal, Korean Studies, on a subject within the broad confines of Korean studies.
4. Upon the completion of the stay, the Visiting Professor is asked to submit a report on the program.

(Conditions of Awards)
The Center undertakes to provide the following:
1. One round-trip economy airfare between the place of residence and Fukuoka. Travel expenses for any dependents will not be paid.
2. A salary. It will be paid according to the professional experience and Kyushu University Regulations.
3. A reasonable accommodation arranged by the Center. The rent of the designated accommodation the cost of gas, electricity, water supply etc. must be paid by the visiting professor separately.
4. A daily commuting allowance to and from the Center.
5. An office at the Center (including a PC) and access to all university and library facilities. Secretarial service is not provided.
6. The national medical insurance will be available at the Visiting Professor’s expense.
7. The Visiting Professor is expected to spend no more than 6 months at the Center.
8. Business trip must be approved by the director.
The above-mentioned conditions are preliminary and are subject to change once the details of the program for 2018-2019 are determined.

Applicants should submit applications for this program by the deadline (February, 2, 2018). The application form is available from the website of the Center ( Applicants are expected to attach at least two letters of reference: one letter from the institution to which they belong, testifying that they will be free during the duration of their stay in Fukuoka, and another, confidential letter from a recognized specialist in their field.
Applicants are required to submit their documents including the application form by POSTAL MAIL, not by Email.

The selection process will be conducted in March 2018, carefully examining the applicants’ research plans, academic achievements, possible contributions to the research projects of the Research Center for Korean Studies, and other factors.

Applicants will be informed of the selection results by the end of March 2018.
*Requesting kindly the applicants to understand that the program is still tentative due to the state budget for the next fiscal year under the discussion at the National Diet.

Correspondence concerning this program should be addressed to:

Hitoshi NAKANO,
Research Center for Korean Studies, Kyushu University
6-10-1, Hakozaki, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka 812-8581, Japan




AFELiSA 2017ワークショップ開催報告


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 韓国研究センターでは2017118日~9日に開催された日韓合同国際シンポジウムAFELiSA 2017 (International Symposium on Agriculture, Food, Environmental and Life Science in Asia)において『大学「演習林」史の学術的な可能性』をテーマにワークショップを開催しました。



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